Thursday, December 8, 2011

Photography As A Business

This blog is about photography as a business. I hope to provide as much information as I can about starting out as possible while I create a new business online and in real life. I'll do my best to share my ideas and successes as well as failures throughout the year of 2012 as we begin our first year in business as Joseph Schiffman Photography. Below is a list of the first 12 steps to starting a photography business. Number one unfortunately starts at the very bottom of this page and goes up from there as I posted them in order and the blog displays the newest ones first.

The next step in my start up is my website. It will hopefully go live on January 1st. I am hoping to have the editing and design completed by then but it's a huge task and a total of 36 pages of work. Hope you enjoy it when I finish the design. I'll provide a link of the site once I'm done editing.

Please leave any questions that you'd like answered here on this page and I'll create a new post for the questions and answers that come up.

In addition to my photography company advertising I'll also be adding the companies and people who's services will ensure that my business is successful. Everything from who I print through to who does my taxes. Check in frequently to see where we're at over the next month with start up.

T-23 Days and Counting Til Launch Please Share With Your Friends. Would love to see this blog in a few places if you know anywhere that this may be helpful blog let me know and I'll add it.

Thanks for all the support we've had in getting to the point where we're ready to launch our new business.

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