Friday, December 9, 2011

Affordable Gear For A Start Up Business

Found a lot of interesting lighting kits here and some heads. I'm probably going to grab a set of these in the next couple months to see how far they can be pushed to get some cool shots.

Fulton Gas Works 2010

Up late editing an old shot from last year. Fulton Gas Works 2010. Just starting looking through my hard drive for images that I haven't played with in a long time and found this one and thought I would share it.

Playing In Aperture and Photoshop

This shot of my daughter was taken a couple of years ago when she was about 18 months old. She was climbing on the couch and the natural sunlight from the window lit the shot pretty well and after some work in aperture and photogshop, I got the result I was looking for to add to our family photo wall.

I placed all the images from start to finish on this one shot. The image to the right is the raw file unedited. The middle image is after some cropping and fine tuning in aperture. I then pulled it into photoshop to add the black boarder around the shot and adjust some of the saturation.

One Of My Favorite Videos On YouTube

These guys do some awesome work and have a great time over a 24 hour period shooting everything they can. Take a look. Great Video.

Some of Our Favorite Shots

This image was shot during Easter of 2010. The girl in the shot is my cousins daughter. Her dress was looking perfect in black and white and when she reached for the tricycle I grabbed a great pose and did some editing to get this great black and white.

This is a shot of my daughter playing with one of my dual lens reflex cameras. I got down onto the floor for a better angle and captured this right as she was looking through the viewfinder. One of our favorite shots.

Children Photography

In this shot I thought it would be nice to have my son and daughter playing with a board game. One became two and then three and then five and finally I got the shot I was looking for. I think I was shooting a total of about thirty to forty five minutes before everything lined up the way I wanted it. This is one of our favorite images. It shows the simplicity of child entertainment. The games took a bit to clean up, but the shot will be printing and framed to go on our living room wall. I'm sure it will stay there as one of our favorites for a long time.

Great Wedding Story In Video

This video is a great example of what time and effort and imagination looks like in a wedding video that deserves some significant respect. The story is shown just perfectly.

Great Photography Promo Video I Watch A Lot...

This photographer really put some great work together with this video and some amazing images. Really original work I've always appreciated.

My Favorite Photographers

I try to see as much photography work as I can. Watching images flow out of another photographers camera with amazing results provides me with new directions and ideas to shoot. I watch a lot of videos about my favorite photographer Chase Jarvis of Chase Jarvis Photography, Joe McNally, and August Bradley. Chase Jarvis and August Bradley are pros with hasselblad and know how to kick out some amazing images. Chase Jarvis has a couple books out that I read on occasion The Best Camera and Seattle 100. Last year I had the great opportunity to meet Chase and spend a few moments talking about photography. It was great to shake the hand of a photographer that brings so much to the table when it comes to amazing images. These guys are the best. I recommend taking a look at as many videos as you can that are on youtube by chase jarvis. He discusses in detail everything from fill lights, flash, workflow, data back up, and many other really interesting and educational videos. Joe McNally has quite a bit online following his career. He went from having to sell his gear to pay bills to being one of the countries most talented photographers. His images are everywhere and great videos about photography and gear are all on youtube by Joe McNally. I hope you enjoy some of the videos and the work of these few photographers. They are truly my favorites when it comes to photographers I watch.