Thursday, December 8, 2011

Photography As A Business

There are so many photographers out there working very hard at building their photography business. This blog is here to discuss photography as a business and to be a place for photographers to share their experiences.

The biggest question is what is the first step to creating your photography business?

1 comment:

  1. The First Twelve Steps To Your Photography Business:

    1. Keep in mind that it is a business.

    2. Your Business Must Make a Profit.

    3. How Much Are Your Costs Going To Be?

    4. How Much is Your Studio Rental Space?

    5. How Many Hours Are Your Going To Spend Each Week on your business?

    6. How much are you going to charge for your time?

    7. Is there a need for a photography business in your area?

    8. What are you going to do for the first six months of your business?

    9. What is your target audience in your area?

    10. What is going to be your specialty?

    11. What is going to be your monthly budget?

    12. What is your backup plan for your financing to maintain your business?
